Relative or Absolute

Format: relative_url: (true|false)

Example: relative_url: false

Default: true

Whether to use relative (/generated/test(...).jpg) or absolute (https://example.com/generated/test(...).jpg) urls in your src and srcset attributes.

Baseurl Key

Format: baseurl_key: (string)

Example: baseurl_key: baseurl_root

Default: baseurl

Some plugins, such as jekyll-multiple-languages-plugin, work by modifying the standard baseurl setting, which can break JPT's images. It offers a new setting, baseurl_root, which serves as the original baseurl setting without a language prefix. Using baseurl_key, you can direct JPT to use that setting instead.

Ignore Baseurl

Format: ignore_baseurl: (true|false)

Example: ignore_baseurl: true

Default: false

Depending on your other plugins and configuration, it may be useful for JPT to ignore the baseurl setting entirely.


Use for images that are hosted at a different domain or subdomain than the Jekyll site root. Overrides relative_url.

Format: cdn_url: (url)

Example: cdn_url: https://cdn.example.com

Default: none

CDN Environments

It's likely that if you're using a CDN, you may not want to use it in your local development environment. This allows you to build a site with local images while in development, and still push to a CDN when you build for production by specifying a different environment.

Format: cdn_environments: (array of strings)

Example: cdn_environments: ['production', 'staging']

Default: ['production']

Note that the default jekyll environment is development, meaning that if you only set cdn_url and run jekyll serve or jekyll build, nothing will change. Either run JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build, or add development to this setting.