
Deploying a site with JPT is surprisingly tricky. This is because we depend on system libraries (libvips and its dependencies) to generate images, but build environments have huge variation in what is actually present. Just because a site build works on your local machine, doesn't mean it will work when you try to deploy using a build service.

Generally, anything which involves building locally and uploading the generated site somewhere, will work. Anything which pulls down a git repository and builds it in some container somewhere needs extra verification. Often some image formats will be supported, while others will not without installing additional packages.

I have created a testing repository for this purpose. It's just a barebones jekyll site with JPT, that tries to generate a bunch of image formats. Feel free to use it for your own test builds.

    formats: [avif, webp, jp2, png, gif, original]

Help Wanted

We could really use help improving this page's guidance. I've created this issue for feedback; I want to hear how you're deploying with JPT. I want to hear what worked well for you, and what did not. If you're extra motivated and cool, you could make a pull request adding that information to this page.


Ensure you're using version 2.0.2 or later. No support for jp2 or avif files. They have beta homebrew support (by setting the build command to brew install whatever && do_your_build), but attempting to install libheif this way runs over the time limit.

Libvips known savers: csv, mat, v, vips, ppm, pgm, pbm, pfm, hdr, png, jpg, jpeg, jpe, webp, tif,

Imagemagick known savers: bzlib, cairo, djvu, fftw, fontconfig, freetype, jbig, jng, jpeg, lcms,
lqr, ltdl, lzma, openexr, pangocairo, png, rsvg, tiff, wmf, x, xml, zlib

They run an old version of libvips, so cropping attention may not work the same way as it does locally.


This method has a somewhat difficult setup, but once configured it works very well. Since you build the site locally, if your development build works then your production build will work.

There is one caveat: other than the site root, links need to point to an html file. /blog won't work, you need /blog.html or /blog/index.html. If you know a way to fix this, please speak up!

This is the guide you want; specifically the second option (Using a website endpoint as the origin, with anonymous (public) access allowed). This allows you to have https and excellent performance.

For deployment, you'll want to put together either some rake tasks or shell commands to do the following:

  • build: JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build
  • push: aws s3 sync _site s3://(your bucket here)
  • invalidate: aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id (your distribution id here) --paths '/*'
    • Cloudfront caches assets for 24 hours. This command invalidates that cache, so your changes go live immediately.
  • deploy: build && push && invalidate

(All of these depend on having the aws cli installed, with proper credentials configured.)

AWS Amplify

This article may be useful; I haven't gotten it to work with a full set of image formats. The default build image doesn't support jp2 and avif, but Amplify allows you to use a custom build image. If you take the time to create one which can generate jpg, png, webp, jp2, and avif files, it would be marvelous of you to share it.

Github Pages

GitHub Pages only allows a very short whitelist of plugins, which sadly does not include JPT. You could run it locally, then commit and push the generated site to your Pages branch.

Or use GitHub Actions to do this for you automatically. Here's an Actions workflow to build a JPT-enabled site and deploy it. Commit that yaml file to the .github/workflows folder of your source repository, and Actions will build and deploy your site whenever you push changes to main.

See How to use Jekyll Picture Tag or any Jekyll plugin with GitHub Pages for details of how it works.

Cloudflare pages

They have the same restrictions as netlify: jpg, webp, and png work. jp2 and avif are no-go.